In 1958, Mr. Jean Delorme, Chemical Engineer, create the Bandol Weathering Station. His activity consiste in weathering and following the visual degradation of plastic samples.
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In 1958, Mr. Jean Delorme, Chemical Engineer, create the Bandol Weathering Station. His activity consiste in weathering and following the visual degradation of plastic samples.
In 1972, creation of the Journées d’Etudes sur le Vieillissement des Polymères , a conference specialized in the topic of the UV stabilization of plastic materials.
In 1985, Mr. Michel Beraud buy the company from Mr. Delorme and expand the activities increasing the range of services with different means of measurement.
In the mid-1990s, its activity expand further by the use of accelerated aging procedures developed internally (NATACC process).
1995 Use of the Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) technique to characterize the degradation of polymers.
At the end of the 90's, opening of a natural aging site in Guadeloupe. The interest of this wet tropical type site is well established. It is rapidly positioning itself as an interesting alternative (because more severe) to Florida sites.
In 2000, Michel BERAUD decide to start a new activity of development of artificial aging equipment with his son Lionel within SARL SEVAR.
In 2015, opening of a partnership with ERICHSEN.
In June 2016, Michel BERAUD decide to combine the two activities (equipment and tests) by integrating SEVN with SEVAR.
Since its creation, this company is, and retain, its position of European leader in its field, relying on the competence and professionalism of its staff.